Answered By: Last Updated: Sep 17, 2024 Views: 1356
New Account Set-up
- Click on the New York Times (Institutional Subscription) link from our Databases A-Z page or other Krueger Library page.
- Create an account using your or as your email address and follow the prompts.
Expired Accounts
If your login has expired, use this link to reset your password.
Access from off campus or dorms use your or
If you have an issue with a new account registrations. Please contact Research Help for assistance if you encounter a problem.
Personal Subscriptions
If you have a personal paid subscription, you will need to cancel your subscription first. After doing so, you can link our institutional subscription access to your current login. Please note that the WSU institutional subscription does not include the crossword or cooking app. We do have access to the mini crossword.
Historical articles can be accessed via, but you can only view five articles published between 1923-1980 per day. If you need access to more than five historical articles, use the Krueger Library's New York Times Historical database.
Note: The New York Times is available through the NYT app on your smart phone or tablet.
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